
Welcome to Syncopedia. Syncopedia is a website containing free, high quality syncope education. 

Educational material

E-Learning Modules

Want to become a syncope expert? Start here! This section contains e-learning modules with in-depth information about syncope and short term blood pressure regulation. 

Cases & Examples

Are you more into case-oriented learning? This section contains a library full of cases, and also educational training cases with questions. Case-oriented learning is every students favorite

Syncope Textbook

Do you need accurate information quickly, and you have no time to go through an e-learning? This section contains "Wikipedia" style information. Accurate and easily accesible.

Who is it for?

Syncopedia is targeted at students, residents, nurse specialists, and physicians that want to learn more about syncope. When seeing patients with suspected syncope it is important know the physiology of short term blood pressure regulation and the differential diagnosis of syncope.

What does it look like?

It is important to know what a syncopal episode looks like when seeing patients with syncope. Syncope can be induced by the fainting lark, as is visible in this video. Do not try this at home. Want to know why this induces syncope? Click here for more information about the fainting lark.

Editorial board

Syncopedia is the result of a worldwide collaboration of experts in the field syncope. Physicians from 10 different countries are working on this website, either by reviewing content before it is published, or by supplying content.